Is SMP in Austin Better Than Hair Transplant

Does SMP in Austin work? Well, before that, let’s see what it is. Hair loss is an stressing sight for men and women alike. As a result, there are several hair growth solutions on the market. Unfortunately, not all hair growth methods are effective.

Many men and women end up with a hair transplant. But luckily, there is a non-invasive alternative to hair transplant that promises to give you a self-confidence boost. Let’s see how scalp micropigmentation in Austin is better than hair transplant.

SMP in Austin vs Hair Transplant

While a hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair from the site of thicker growth to fill a bald patch. It is an invasive technique that requires a local anesthetic and sedative. The procedure may involve follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

Under FUT, the surgeon removes a strip of the scalp. This is usually from the back of the head. FUE is more intricate and involves the removal of individual hairs and follicles one by one from the back of the scalp. The removed hair and follicles are then placed to cover bald patches. While the procedure is invasive, aftercare is equally intensive.

On the other hand, scalp micropigmentation in Austin is a relatively new cosmetic hair loss solution, which is less invasive. Further, the procedure involves the use of specialized techniques, requiring injection of the best pigment for SMP into the scalp.  

During the first two sessions, the SMP artist makes small incisions into the scalp, using a small amount of pigment to create the illusion of a scalp with hair.

How Long Does SMP in Austin Take?

Being an invasive procedure, hair transplant takes a whole day of operation. An overnight stay in the hospital is needed. The final results may take up a year to show up. New hair growth usually takes place within 6 to 9 months.

On the other hand, each session of scalp micropigmentation in Austin does not take longer than two to three hours. Ideally there is a gap of 1-4 weeks during the first and second treatment session. The pigment may take a month to set naturally into the skin.

Which is More Painful?

Local anesthesia is used for the invasive hair transplant procedure. As a result, the patient does not experience any pain during the procedure. However, the pain might start the next day when the effect of the sedative wears off and the patient needs a painkiller to overcome the pain.

As far as SMP in Austin is concerned, it is not too painful. In fact, many people opt for the procedure even without an anesthetic. The practitioners implant pigments on the upper dermis. The patient does not require a long recovery period.

Additionally, there is no risk of an allergic reaction during SMP, especially if done from the best scalp artist in Austin. Reputable SMP artists use the best pigment for scalp micropigmentation, which is hypoallergenic.

Which is More Effective: SMP in Austin or Hair Transplant

Since hair transplant involves implanting new follicles deep into the scalp, it is a permanent solution. The final result should last a lifetime. Unfortunately, there is a high rate of failure associated with the procedure.

Contrarily, scalp micropigmentation done by the best scalp artist lasts a long time. The results look extremely natural. In fact, it is the natural appeal that makes SMP in Austin a more reliable procedure. Additionally, maintenance is easier too. However, you might want to avoid scratching the scalp and covering it in the sun.


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