Does SMP in New York NY for scar concealment work? Or is there any other effective method for permanent hair restoration? Before the advent of scalp micropigmentation, hair transplantation was the only method that worked. Hair transplantation involves follicular unit transplantation that results in a strip scar at the back of the scalp from where the donor tissue was removed. The site of a scar on the scalp is not welcome for men and women alike, especially men who prefer short hair or a buzz cut. Then there is follicular unit extraction, which is less invasive and does not leave a huge linear scar on the scalp. The procedure can still leave small visible scars in the extraction site, and overharvesting can leave the donor site with a thin and patchy look.

Should I Choose SMP in New York NY

Yes, scar micropigmentation is one of the most effective procedures for hair concealment. In fact, SMP can conceal FUT and FUE transplant scars. The procedure involves depositing ink with microneedles into the scar region. The pigment is then blended into the surrounding hair.

The best scalp artist will tell you that the amount of concealment depends on the scar aggressiveness and texture. That means a raised or indented scar requires longer hair length to adequately conceal the scar. You can expect the scar color to match the hair after the SMP in New York NY treatment. However, the procedure does not affect any existing texture of the scar. This helps hide almost 65-80% of the scar.

What About Cranial Scars?

Anybody with cranial scars might benefit from SMP scar camouflage tattooing. The procedure is effective in hiding thinning hair or a bald patched with cranial scars. SMP in New York NY is suitable for most people.

Scalp micropigmentation uses a range of hair colors. That means those with blond or red hair can choose scalp micropigmentation. T

However, the procedure may not be as effective for people with skin problems on the scalp. Those with keloid scars might also not benefit from SMP in New York NY. Avoid scalp micropigmentation for anyone with eczema.

Does SMP for Scar Camouflage hurt?

There is nothing like pain when you choose scalp micropigmentation. When the scalp artist works on your scalp, you may feel slight amount of discomfort. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation does not require high pain tolerance. It you have already had a tattoo, then you can easily choose SMP in New York NY because it involves even lower penetration into the skin.

Take small breaks all through the session to manage this discomfort. SMP for scar concealment may require two treatments or more, depending on the type of scar. The sessions may be scheduled one week apart.

The results of scalp micropigmentation for scar healing or concealment depend on the skills and experience of the SMP artist. If the scalp practitioner has experience working on scar concealing, you can expect the best results.

So your job starts now. Search for the best scalp artist for SMP in New York NY for scar camouflage. Scalp Directory should help.


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