SMP in Tucson Frequently Asked Questions

SMP in Tucson is a hair tattoo procedure where the best scalp artist in Tucson mimics hair follicles to create the look of a full head of shaved hair. The idea is to use the best ink for SMP to fill in the bald spots.

However, SMP does not regrow hair, nor does it move any existing hair. The end result appears like a full head of shaved hair. SMP in Tucson is head tattoo hair. The cosmetic tattoo gives bald men the look of a close shave or buzz cut.

Is SMP in Tucson like a normal tattoo?

Well, SMP is more than a hair tattoo. It is a highly specialized procedure that involves the use of advanced pigment. There is a low risk of discoloring, unlike normal tattoos that fade away and discolor after some time. While normal tattoos blur over time, the best ink for SMP does not get discolored. Additionally, Scalp Micropigmentation does not go as deep into the skin as more traditional tattoos. It only penetrates very shallow layers in the skin, making it easier to remove and make the procedure less painful.

Is SMP in Tucson permanent?

Well, the treatment is permanent, but the color might fade over time. It requires regular touchups every 3-5 years to keep the color from fading. However, the greater the sun exposure, the more the fading.

Is SMP in Tuscon customizable?

If you choose the best scalp artist in Tucson for the job, they will work on your scalp to cater to your needs. If you want the hairlines to be moved, you may talk the SMP technician about your expectations. You may also go for a reduced or intensified fill.

What is tricopigmentation?

Tricopigmentation is an option for men seeking temporary SMP in Tucson. It is essentially the same as SMP, with the only difference being in the type of ink used. While scalp micropigmentation uses permanent ink, tricopigmentation involves the use of a temporary color that lasts 1 to 3 years.

What about SMP maintenance?

It is easy. The idea is to keep your hair shorter. If you let your hair grow beyond 3-4 days, then SMP may become obvious. It works best with a buzzed or shaved head so that the hair seamlessly blends with the best SMP color.

Moreover, you do not need to style your hair. All you can do is rub some sort of lotion on the scalp to keep it moisturized and shave your head every 3-4 days.

Can you remove SMP?

It is easy to remove SMP in Tucson with laser treatment. Since the best scalp artist lays the pigment closer to the skin surface or epidermis, it is easy to remove the effects of SMP, unlike traditional tattoos that go deeper.

How long does SMP take to produce results?

The results are noticeable almost instantly. Once you have undergone the procedure, people will start to notice a change in your looks even without knowing the secret of SMP in Tucson. It creates the impression that you have a full head of hair.

Is SMP safe?

As it is a non-invasive treatment that uses no chemicals, scalp micropigmentation is entirely safe. When done by the best SMP artist in Tucson, you can expect amazing results.

Are there age-related barriers to undergo SMP?

Well, there are no age-related limitations. Men and women both can undergo scalp micropigmentation to cover alopecia, bald patches, or thinning hair. Most women prefer SMP in Tucson as density-adding treatment.

Is SMP Noticeable?

Unless somebody knows about the procedure, they cannot notice it on your head. In fact, it is difficult to notice any difference between the SMP and natural follicles.


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