What is the biggest SMP regret? If you decide to go for scalp micropigmentation, what are the disadvantages? Will you regret your decision later? What are scalp micropigmentation side effects? Or is SMP a good idea? Scalp micropigmentation is one of the most popular ways to create the illusion of a full head of hair. That means if you undergo SMP on a scalp with bald patches, you can enjoy the look of a buzzed head. But if you seek a hair restoration solution that actually restores your hair and helps with hair growth, then scalp micropigmentation might not be the right option.

SMP Regret:  What Can Go Wrong With It?

If you love your hair and seek a procedure to restore hair growth, then it might prove to be your biggest SMP regret. The reason is that scalp micropigmentation does not restore actual hair. Rather, hair transplantation might help in that case. For example, FUE hair transplants and PRP might give you a better result.

No, there is no harm to the existing hair with micro scalp pigmentation. In fact, scalp micropigmentation can produce incredibly real results when the best SMP artist works on your scalp. This way there will be no SMP regrets when the best practitioner injects the pigment into your skin with micro-needles.

However, the procedure may not induce regrowth of hair if that is your main concern. In that case, you might have to regret your decision to do SMP, especially if your hair loss problem is due to a hormonal disturbance or medical condition that prevents the growth of hair.

But if you are hesitant to do scalp micropigmentation, wondering if the procedure may inhibit hair growth, you might not have the right information about the procedure. Scalp tattoos do not affect hair follicles or their ability to regrow. In fact, your hair will grow in its natural state and that might even cover the tattoo on your head.

Cheap SMP Regrets

People end up regretting SMP if they choose a cheap procedure for the job. There are many offers of cheap scalp micropigmentation everywhere. But there is no guarantee of quality. This is due to the fact that many scalp artists have joined the SMP bandwagon without any skills or experience. Their focus is on quantity than quality.

Scalp micropigmentation does not come at a low cost. If someone offers to do the job for a trivial amount, then that is a clear red flag. You should outrightly reject that offer to avoid regretting SMP later.

However, you can mitigate the risk by looking for a scalp specialist.

Choosing the Right Artist

Scalp micropigmentation is a specific procedure that requires special skill set. You don’t want to choose an inexperienced tattoo artist who is not good at SMP. By choosing the right scalp practitioner, you can eliminate any chances of SMP regrets later.

Scalp Directory is the right destination to choose a skilled artist with experience in the type of results you seek. Determine your preferences first and then explore the directory to find the right fit.


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